
Friday, April 30, 2010

Fun with Silverware...

So you have already seen what I did with old silverware...but here are some other super cute ideas!

All ideas from Tatertots and Jello.
She got her items for this project from Beaducation.

Do you have any other cute ideas for Silverware? I may try some of these for my garden...well...whenever I actually PLANT my garden! *ha*

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Our furry friends...

I love dogs. They are simply amazing. I saw this video on Facebook earlier...

I have heard conflicting stories about whether or not the dog lived, but still...pretty awesome.

...and that got me watching other amazing dogs...check some of these out.
(I guess I am in a video mood this week!)

There are so many more great stories like this! Do you have a family pet??

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

"You don't need a swimming pool for this breast stroking..."

Oh. My. Word.

I have no words.

I am dying over here!!

"Whad'ya say Champ? Is it massage time?!"

Laundry Rooms

I really love doing laundry. That's weird right? Granted, I don't have kids it's just Husby clothes and my clothes and the occasional doggie related item. But I love it. I love the smell. I love the feeling. And I don't mind folding! Now, putting away...downfall of mine! haha!

It was this post that got me thinking about nice lookin' laundry rooms...

Anyways. I have a Laundry's not really a room, nor will it be a room when we are finished with the basement remodel.

This is my Laundry Nook...

...and this is pretty much how it will look with the remodel is complete...

So as you can see it's basically a 10 by 10 space with two and a half walls to it. If you look in this picture above, where that column is...from the column to the wall at the right there will be floor cabinets with a counter provide some clothes folding space and storage. I am very limited on what I can put over the washer and drying because they are lifted off the ground about a foot and a half...and there will be a bulkhead to contend with. So I need to find space where I can!

Here is what I want in a laundry room...or nook in my case:
  • Storage
  • Space to hang clothes
  • A folding area
  • Nice clean, fresh feel
  • Pretty colors
  • A Rug
  • Fold-away Ironing board
Anyway...I would LOVE to have the laundry on the main floor...or at least the same floor as the bedrooms (in any given home that I would own) but that is just a dream, as is having a laundry room that looks like any of these below...

The stainless steel one...LOVE it!! And I love the colors of the second one!

These two are very nice...although the second one is a little too crazy elegant for a laundry room!

These are nice...the first one looks so clean and fresh!

Windows!! That would be a great touch in the LR...I only have one basement hopper window!

Lovely as well...and the second one works in a really small space like mine! I love the colors too!

This one seems to be the most like mine. Space wise. Although I still don't think I can swing cabinets above the machines, I guess we will just have to see once it's all done!

So do you have any favorite laundry rooms? Is yours your dream room?? What do you look for in a laundry room?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

a Cop's mentality...

I started thinking today...Husby says some pretty funny/interesting things; and I am pretty sure I can chalk it all up to being part of the "Cop's mentality."

He calls people he comes into contact with at work such names as "hoodlehead" and "yay-hoos."
I guess he has to come up with some names since he doesn't use foul language...but these two crack me up!

Do your Officers have such names? Probably worse??! :)

Then there are the sayings...

When there is something going wrong that he doesn't want to deal with..."Can't see it from my front door."
When someone approaches him with a last minute request..."Your failure to plan is not my emergency."
When some gets their pants in a bunch..."Oh, He/She's got the same pants to get happy in." many of these sayings I normally reply with a "oh isn't that sweet babe!" haha!

Do your Officers have any funny sayings?

It's funny to see how the Cops mentality or sense of cynicism changes them over the years! Share your stories!

What the ???

Looks like a wide-mouthed water bottle to me...seriously?!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Trash to Pleasure?

So...this made me think...

TEXT MESSAGE with a note from Mom..."found on side of road. thought u could paint & use in craft rm or something? like?" (My favorite part was after I said "YEAH FOR SURE!" She replied with..."I got it from someone's trash..hahah only me huh?!"

Yes Mom...only you! But boy am I GLAD!!

Maybe she is on to something...You see, Mom always finds the goods...whether it be from the side of the this old screen door. Or from this beauty for $14.99!

So maybe, we can start a little something...I was thinking of calling it "Trash to Pleasure." You know, instead of Trash to Treasure...(cause you know, that's been used quite a bit!)

Thoughts? Wanna see it??!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Birthday Wish List

It's about that time...well...that time is drawing near shall we say...

My birthday is nearly 27+ days away! :) Yips! I lurve my birthday...even though I will be 29 this year....*gasp*

I was thinkin' of a few things that I would LOVE for my birthday...(this could get dangerous) but here's what I came up with!

I would LOVE my Camera for my birthday...

I found it for $619 here. For $629 here. And for $699 here. Not too shabby.

Or you can get me my Ikea Bedroom Furniture... :)

I would really like a Steam Mop too...although I haven't decided on which one...hmmm...

If not my CAMERA, Bedroom Furniture or my Steam Mop then I would be just as happy to recieve Gift Certificates/Cards to the following places:

Some of these items may also be nice :)

Cory and I saw one of these recently...looks super cool and YUMMY! A ZOKU pop maker!

A "Starry Night" Rogue phone cover! AHHHH! This is my favorite painting!!

Oh and I really need spools of thread or cone spools and this cone thread holder or this cone/spool rack!

An Aero-Garden...aren't they cool?!

Anywho...making birthday wish lists are fun...a girl can dream right?!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

a SYTYCD twist!!!

So....I am pumped now....

So You Think You Can Dance
has decided to add a twist to Season 7 premiering on May 27th! Each one of these dancers from the past 6 seasons will be paired up with a different finalist each week.

Here are the 12 dancers that have been chosen...

Dominic “D-trix” Sandoval

Ade Obayomi

Mark Kanemura

Kathryn McCormick

Pasha Kovalev

Allison Holker

Neil Haskell

Stephen “tWitch” Boss

Lauren Gottlieb

Courtney Galiano

Anya Garnis

Comfort Fedoke

I tell you what...I am SO happy that Dominic (AHHHH love him!!) will be there...and tWitch, Neil and Lauren...oh and Anya and Pasha (swoooooon!!!)

I think I am already loving this new TWIST!!! What are your thoughts? What do you think about the Alumni group they picked??

I'm Lovin' It

Here are a few things that I am lovin' this week!!

This is a gorgeous Drawer Re-finish job! I am lovin' the color of the inside of the drawers and the best part is she got this bad boy for $25!! It looks like a brand new piece...seriously do you see what is used to look like!

(image courtesy of Mrs. Adventure)

This screen idea is so pretty!

(image courtesy of Funky Junk Interiors)

I am also lovin' this little old table...

(image courtesy of Primitive & Proper)

This is simply the cutest idea ever...I am lovin' it!

(image courtesy of Freshly Picked)

I am lovin' the great stuff out there!! What are you lovin' this week?!