
Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I don't BREATHE funny!

Well. We are all DONE. The wedding went great and now Sarah and Kyle are married! They are enjoying thier vacation in Jamaica...well at least we hope they are enjoying it. I know it was supposed to rain a couple of days.

So now back to the daily grind. Work yesterday was alright. Kinda slow...but I was able to finish some side work for Pastor Fred (the maturity pastor at our church) He gave me this audio book MONTHS ago called "Affabel: Window of Eternity." It is really neat. Normally I have a hard time getting into audio books, but I have really be able to follow this one pretty well. He gave it to me to plan out some form of dramatic portrayal of the audio. I think that I have come up with some pretty good ideas so far! I sent him my work on Episode 1 today. (there are 4 episodes) We shall see what he thinks!

Tuesday...another gloomy day in Maryland. I slept so well and it was so hard to get up this morning...becuase it was so grey outside! I started using Breathe Right strips on Monday night. Cory says I have been like snoring or breathing funny...or something like that at night and it has been keeping him up. I feel bad, but I have just been son congested lately. Maybe it is allergies or a cold...whatever it I have to wear these things!

Wednesday...yet another gloomy day in Maryland. Come on now, I am getting DEPRESSED...enough with the RAIN already! I am going to get my hair cut OFF today...I am so excited! I am thinking about going with some of the ideas below...

I dunno...we shall see if my hair even DOES that look! I just want something different!

Then we have church!!! So, just another Wednesday! Talk to ya soon!

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