
Thursday, December 20, 2007

Couple's Night Out...

Cory Writing......

On Tuesday December 18, 2007 My wife and I went with two of our favorite couples (Jason and Brittany Harris, Andrew and Terri Peters) out to dinner (Goldenwest Cafe) and then we went to 34th street in Hampden to see the lights.

The restaurant was a very interesting place. When you first walked in on the counter there was this very zin like asian goddess statue and then right behind that on the back wall was a stuffed mounted moose head. Very strange combination if I say so myself and I do say so. The waitresses were very strange also. I will give you a story that will tell you how strange they were. Andrew asked the waitress if she would like to split the check now or wait until the end of the meal to split the check. The waitress with a straight face said, "I don't know what you mean?" What waitress in the world doesn't know what splitting the check is all about especially when there is clearly three couples sitting at the table. We had great conversations with our friends. The conversation was so good that we didn't even notice we waited 45 minutes for our food to arrive. Now that is getting lost in conversation.

Then it was off to see the lights hun. We walked about four or five blocks in the beautiful city of Baltimore (know by the thugs as bloodamore). What a great city to walk in. I love the city life, but don't ever want to live in the city, just like to visit. We arrived at 34th street to see the one block of lights. It was very pretty, but I expected so much more. Oh well it was good times had by all couples. Thank you Andrew and Terri for taking us on an adventure that we have wanted to do for a long time. You are truly great friends. We love you and look forward to many years of once a month dinners together.

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Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)