
Monday, January 21, 2008

Week 3 of WW.

I am in my 3rd week with Weight Watchers, and 5.2 lbs lighter...hopefully more

I am amazed at how much I am learning daily. The eTools Weight Watchers online is AMAZINGLY easy and helpful. I am so glad I decided to pay a little extra to get that! I spent about an hour today just printing out recipies that looked SO good. *I was a bit hungry at the time!* So I ate some soup and my search for recipes slowed to a snails pace. haha! Funny how that works.

This past week has been kinda hard for some reason. I have had major cravings for things like soda, peanut butter and even crescent rolls. So far I have fought the soda urge well, actually I have fought all of them. I am just not sure why these cravings have popped up so suddenly.

Cory is being really great about everything too. Helping me figure out my points so I can track them and just being overall a good sport...cause I am finding that I am blabbing about my points constantly...haha. It seems to be all that's on my mind...maybe that is why I have the cravings...hmmm, ha!

I have successfully added exercise into my weight loss program...that has been fine. Last night I finally did 1.75 miles. That is good for me. I don't jog the entire time, cause my knees still can't really take it. I am hoping that by this time next year I can jog/run a 5K!

Well, besides all of the is trucking along. Hope everyone out there is enjoying 2008 so far as much as me!

A :)

1 comment:

  1. April, I'm so glad we are new friends! And after reading your blog it looks like we have a lot in common! I SO know how you feel with being obsessed with talking about points...i have also caught that disease. That's awesome that you have lost that much weight!


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