
Monday, March 24, 2008

The 3-Day Weekend :)

April writing btw...

So, it's Monday...the Monday after a 3-day weekend too. BOO!! Those are the hardest. Cory and I had a great Easter weekend with family and friends.

Friday, I was off for Good Friday (yippeee) So I slept in a little, then I got up and did some yard work. I have BIG plans to boost our curb appeal this spring and summer so I had to get the yard ready for that process. I can't wait either! I am kinda geeky in the sense that walking around Loews Garden Center makes me REALLY excited and happy!! haha!

Saturday, While Cory slept after getting home from work. I had Murder Mystery Theater practice with the kiddos involved. It was a very successful practice as there was alot of movement and distraction all around us with the His Story (our churchs' Easter production) gearing up for it's matinee performance. We had about 3 of our kids involved with that as well, so they were in and out of practice. Hopefully next week will be better. I think if I remember correctly, Cory and I just vegged on Saturday night. I made grilled pork chops and baked potatoes for dinner...YUMM!! After Cory left for work I did a little studying for my Sunday School class that was SUPPOSED to start on Sunday... :) *haha Jason!*

Sunday, EASTER! Cory got home from work and we got ready for church...we attended the packed-out 9 am service and then chatted with some people before Cory, Bekah and I left to go home to get ready for Easter Lunch with the family. At 2:00 pm we all gathered at John and Cristy's house (Cory's parents) for lunch. We had Ham, Baked Potatoes, Mac and Cheese, Veggies, Rolls, Salad...oh and thanks to Tammy we also enjoyed Brownies, Jello Eggs and Chocolate Covered Strawberries!!! YUUUUUUUMMMMMM! We chatted for a while, then Cory and I left with Hannah to run some errands and head to the church to see His Story (the above mentioned Easter production at church) It was nice...they did a good job. Pastor Cy, our Music Pastor (who also wrote the production) added some new scenes this year and I think they were all a nice touch. After that we (being Me, Cory, Hannah, Jason and Brittany) went to Pizza Hut for dinner. Then it was off to bed!!! yeah!! I was so tired. I have been exhausted lately.

AND before anyone says a THING about being pregnant...we don't know. I had my blood drawn on Wednesday and I talked to my doc's office today, they don't have any results back yet to see if the first round of Clomid did it's job and we were successful or not. So, we shall see. And make no mistake...Cory and I have been and still remain very patient and positive through this process. We know that God has bigger plans and he knows the perfect we wait :)

OK I think that about catches us up...btw...I see we have made it over 530 page views!!!! That is AWESOME!!! Now, let's see if we can boost the COMMENT ECONOMY around here!!! :) If you read, let us really makes us feel good about ourselves :) haha!!

Talk to ya soon!

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