
Thursday, March 06, 2008

While I sit waiting.....

Cory Writing.....

While I am sitting here waiting for my wife to make my dinner I have decided to blog. I hear the yells from all you women out there....... GO MAKE YOUR OWN DINNER YOU BUM. My wife told me that she would make it if I just let her finish the bathroom, so get out of my Kool-Aid.

OK on to why I am blogging. I have really been encouraged lately. God has recently laid on my heart to start listening to Christian Music and only Christian Music for awhile. I don't know how long, but I do know that I am really enjoying it and I am starting to see it have an affect on my attitude and outlook towards all aspects of life.

I have found this really great song by Jeremy Camp called "This Man". Here is the video

Another thing I would like to share with you that has encouraged me is the great things that are happening at my Church. I received an email from our Lead Pastor Steve Hall and he wanted to share some good news because he was tired of all the bad news in the world. His email follows.

Dear HCC Family,

I get so tired of listening to bad news. Give your self permission to simply smile and be proud of the good stuff that's going on in your church.

A couple dozen students committed their lives to Christ at the annual Winterfest retreat in early February. Two of them testified in church.
The Men's Ministry started off the year with great attendance at their monthly breakfast (45) and then followed that up with more than 65 attending the second breakfast.
The Men's Ministry also facilitated the first annual Sportsman's Banquet with 250 in attendance and 35 people committing their lives to Christ.
The monthly Christian concert night is hitting record attendance above 100, and reports of great times of good family fun.
The Children's Ministry just pulled off another incentive carnival for Hilltop elementary with rave reviews from the school staff.
SALT groups are reporting great results from studying the HCC sponsored Biblical finance curriculum.
250 people attended the special Sunday evening service related to the Holy Spirit and over 100 people filled the altar committing to go deeper by being immersed or baptized in the Holy Spirit.
The Ministry to the Military continues to receive beautiful notes from families and soldiers regarding the encouragement their "Care Packages" give.
The Cup of Cold Water ministry team, were blessed recently when they partnered with Pastor Jason and our Verb Student Ministries to meet the yard work needs of some senior citizens.
Recently a couple families gave large financial donations specifically to help HCC become that social center for God's kindness that I have been talking about.
The pastor of the church in Puerto Rico that we are helping pay off their debt; has never been able to afford taking his wife and daughter to the Church of God General Assembly that occurs every two years in the states. Our Ladies Ministry took this need on and raised money to send his wife and daughter with him this August. I recently asked Pastor Diego how much it would cost for his family to travel with him and he replied that it would be $1783.00 for air fare, hotel and food. I then asked Joe Lloyd our CFFO for a report as to how much the ladies had raised; they raised $1783.00.

If this was Sunday morning we would all clap right now, but don't let that stop you.

By the way, all the 11am attendees think the 9am attendees won't remember to set their clocks ahead this Sunday, so the 11am service will be full. Some say the timing of Daylight Savings change is all a His Story conspiracy to get people to show up late Sunday and stay after the 11am service to help break down the Chancel for the Easter production. I'm just telling you what I heard.

Something I know to be true is that March 5, all day is dedicated to prayer and fasting for His Story.

I love you, may the peace of God rule your heart and mind, Pastor Steve

I hope these two thinks help encourage you and make your weekend go a little smoother. Keep your eyes open for how God wants you to bless someone else.

Till next time. Peace, Love, and Hair Grease.

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