
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Why I am ready for Spring & Summer...

Firgured I would blog again...I am TOTALLY into this blogging thing. It's like online journaling. And EVERYONE can read it. Scary!

Reasons why I am looking forward to SPRING & SUMMER...(finally!)

Reason #1: Flip flops. Yep, that's right. It isn't so much that I am a FLIP FLOP's just the FREE TOES aspect. When you can paint your toesies cute colors and show them off the the slightly warmer world with no worries of frostbite or dry feet. This means that I may be able to fit into some cute little spring dresses too that I never wore before due to size restrictions...and what goes better with spring dresses other than FLIP FLOPS!!?? That also means I will have to start taking better care of my feet. Which begs me to ask the question...does anyone ELSE find it harder and harder to take care of your feet the older you get? It's crazy really. It seems...the HARDER I try the worse they get. But if I leave them alone they are just NORMAL feet. I want outstandingly nice soft feet. But I fear, that is a dream that must go out to the side of the road with last years flip flop colors. :(
Oh and by the way, for any VERB friends reading this out there...I should mention...We at VERB refer to Flip flops as "Flips" oh wait, or was it "Flops"? Either way...we found a special way to spice it up!!

Reason #2: My Back & Front Yard Gardens. I have SUCH a big DREAM for my yard. And it seems that every year I get a little closer to how I want it to look. I want FULLNESS and GREEN and lots of COLORS. I don't mind the constant watering and the year I can use my outdoor activity in the yard as ACTIVITY points (nice bonus!) I LOVE this one...the planter pic shown here. It is just what I like. Some full green with an array of colors...low to the ground and it looks easily maintanable. Is that so much to ask? Oh GOAL is to at LEAST get my front and side planters (the ones seen by the road) to my liking this year! Oh, and it would be nice for them to survive the winter too!!

Reason #3: Mom and Dad's backyard pool! I can't wait to go swimming...and if I don't get pregnant between now and then I will also be a smaller swimmer..which makes enjoying those BATHING suits a little easier!! (and that's saying something!) I hope to convince mom and dad to let me help them landscape around the pool this year. I think that it will really help to make it look very nice and inviting! Dad was a little anal about his pool last year...understandably so. Alot of TIME and MONEY went into this porject and he wants to take care of it! We just hope some of that will disipate this year?!?! (Here's hoping!!) I also can't wait to get Olive in the water this Summer...She is a TRIP in or around water!
See my past blog about why this will be so fun here: (
WOW, I am sure that I have many more...but it is time for me to go home...maybe I will add more. My other BLOGGING friends (and for those of you who don't blog..hint, should start!)...tell me what you are looking forward to!!


  1. I hate the new Old Navy flip flops. They changed their design. I have abandoned them for J Crew flip flops. Its the better way to me.

  2. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Lesson on great foot care. Vaselina(the song gasolina came to my mind, and I had to go with it) so you put vaseline on your feet and socks right before you go to bed. Do that for a week and your feet will be the envy of all summer lovin' hotties!


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