
Thursday, April 24, 2008

This goes out to truly the BEST helpmate.

Cory Writing.......

I just wanted to blog and get out into public how God has blessed me with the best helpmate.... My Wife April.

The definition of helpmate is as follows......HELPMATE noun...a companion and helper.

My wife truly lives this everyday. She is my companion when I am in a bad mood, she is my companion when I need a sounding board, she is my companion when I have had a bad day at work, she is my companion when I need a shoulder to cry on, she is my companion when I need someone to sit with. She is a companion even when she doesn't want to be. Baby Thank you for being the best companion.

She is always there to help me out. When I come home with this really great idea... she is the one that helps to put life into the idea. She is the one that helps me lift my head when it has been pushed down by the weight of the job. She is the one that helps me find the gentle person I push to the background because of my job. She is the one that helps me be my best. Baby Thank you for being the best Helper.

April I am sorry that I am not as great as a companion or a helper as you are to me, but remember I am a work in progress and God has some great things in store for us. I want you to know that when God blesses us with kids you are going to be a great mother. Thank you for all you do to make our house run smoothly.

I love you mostest infinity with a Hershey kiss on top.


  1. *tear* you dork, you made me CRY at work! I love you too too much! Thanks for allowing yourself to be a work in progress, as we all are!! Now get some sleep and I will see you this evening for our WALK :)
    *I love you mostest infinity with a Hershey kiss, a Reese's Peanut Butter cup and a BABY on top :)*
    (I SOO win!)

  2. I think I just gagged.... again! Too cute and way to put yourself out there Cory!!! You are blessed with a wonderful wife and how our helpmates put up with people as complex as we, I will never know!

  3. Anonymous2:56 PM


    In the words of Napolian(sp)Dynamite "LUCKY!"


    You so RAWK!!!!


    April's friend, Becky


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