
Thursday, May 22, 2008

...In Memory of Maria

April writing...

Today, special prayers go out to the family of Steven Curtis Chapman (an award winning Christian music singer that has been playing beautiful music for years.) His youngest daughter, Maria (adopted from China 5 years ago) was killed yesterday afternoon in a terrible accident. One of SCC's teenage boys was backing out of the family's driveway and ran over little Maria. She was flown to the hospital but was later pronounced dead. Her injuries were too much for her little body to handle.

I can only imagine the grief that this family has over this incident, and I am sure that the son will have the hardest time dealing with this situation. Maria is one of three daughters of SCC that have been adopted from China. SCC is a big advocate for adoption and has set up a foundation to help give grants to those wanting to adopt but don't have the full financial means to do so.

You can meet Maria here, and leave comments for the family.

Their family is in our prayers!
p.s. - Steven Curtis Chapman's recent song, "Cindarella" has been rumored to be written about little Maria. It is the song you hear playing now.


  1. I can't handle it... not with the song playing, too!!!

  2. I can't hear the song. But I am going to go look it up. How horrible. It seems to never make sense when things like this happen.

  3. Anonymous10:55 PM


    From Becky:
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