
Monday, June 02, 2008

He works hard for the money...

April writing...

This little post is dedicated to my hard-working man. Lately he has been 'drafted' to go into work 4 hours early or 4 hours over and work a long (12 hour), sometime slow midnight shift to cover for some missing officers on other shifts.

While he has done this with only minor griping, I know it seriously bugs him to have to miss more time with me, family, friends or just relaxing and sleeping! :) *we love our sleep!*

So all those drafted shifts, plus court scheduled during his normal sleeping hours and then more overtime scheduled on some of his days off in the coming months, he is truly working hard for the money and missing out on alot of his favorite sleepy time. With as much as it stinks to have him working so much, I truly am grateful for his work ethic and his job that affords him the opportunity to earn extra money, which is needed now especially with the dreaded gas prices and paying off new windows in our home!

Sweetie, I am so proud of your willingness to work hard for us and I know it is hard for you and I promise to do my best everyday to be there for what you need when you are home!! I love you dearly and can't wait for the day we are both retired and can enjoy life together with NO jobs!!! (Is it too early to start dreaming about retirement?! haha!)

Here's to my hubby....Mr. Hard-Working Man :) *hubba hubba*


  1. Anonymous10:46 AM

    aww!! how sweet

  2. In the words of Napolian Dynamite: "Lucky"! You have such a good hubby...most men are all about the working and making ends meet...most don't have the desire to do it and be there for family and friends. I hope one day I am so lucky like you! Hugs!!!

  3. Hip Hip HOORAAYYY
    Hip Hip HOORAAYY

    That was your you, Cory!

  4. Thank you baby. I appreciate the appreciation.


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