
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm pretty funny!

April writing...

No, I am not REALLY trying to toot my own horn, but I just did something funny...truly. It cracked me up the whole time I was doing if I my humor is lost on my co-workers then it will be a truly sad day.

You see, one of our bathrooms, the one I frequent regularly has a trick handle. If you don't pull it up when you are finished flushing then you will have a running toilet, which leads to the next person going in having to WAIT to flush the toilet, cause there is not water to do so. gets quite annoying when you go in to use the restroom and you have to take care of this other 'stuff' first. Boo.

Well today it annoyed me for the last I marched over to my computer and made the following sign to hang in the bathroom:

"...caught the toilet running again!!"

"Please remember to lift the other's don't have to wait to flush!"

haha!! See the toilet running? And yes, that picture WAS included on the sign!! Totally funny. *laughing out loud* oh man.

Pheewww ok moving I was listening to the radio yesterday and heard a news story about what they are now calling the "Sandwich Generation" immediately my head started darting around trying to figure out who the in the world they were speaking of and why it was call the 'sandwich generation!' Well, apparently this generation is middle aged people, with both their children and their parents living under one roof. And they are responsible for taking care of all of them. This is the 'Sandwich Generation." This term was officially added to the Miriam-Webster Dictionary in July of 2006. According to research 1 out of every 8 American Adult is caring both raising a child and caring for their parents.
Interesting. Especially seeing how my family has kind of been experiencing this lately. You see, Mom and Dad still have Bekah (my youngest sister) living at home. She just turned 17. The past month my Grandpa a.k.a. Slater (Mom's Dad) has been living with them while my Aunt Zelma (who regularly cares for him) is out of the country. Aunt Sylvia has been in town helping as well since Mom still works full-time. So Mom is technically considered to be a part of the "Sandwich Generation" at least while he is here.
So in celebration of Sandwich Generation Month which is July1-31st in the United States (yes, it is actually registered with the National Special Events Registry) Here's a shout-out to MOM & DAD! (and Aunts Sylvia & Zelma) You are doing a great job! And even though Grandpa thinks it's funny to scale the walls of the pool deck just to watch us swim, and he fights about when he really has to go to the bathroom...there are still the 'Mighty Good' times and the laughter that he provides for all of us while he is here, even if he probably doesn't realize that!
Thanks for all you do, and I am sure one day I will be called on to return the favor of caring for YOU I hope I do as well as you are doing...or at least put you in a good home, right Mom?!! haha :)


  1. Ha ha - putting Mom in a good home. That was SO my line!

    LOVE it! :-P

  2. HAHA. That Picture alone made me laugh out loud at work. =) Thank You for brightening my day!


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