
Friday, July 18, 2008

In the air again...*updated with PICS

April and Cory writing...

We are currently in the St. Louis airport, awaiting our flight to LAX. Just wanted to check in. I (April) survived flight number 1 with no problems. haha. I am hoping for a good flight to Cali...we are going to watch one of our movies..yeah. We ended up sitting next to one of Bekah's vollyball coaches (Coach Meyers) the whole time and and I didn't get up the nerve to ask if it was him, till we were leaving the plane. haha. Anywho!!!

Here's some pictures!! Here is Cory reading as we were landing into LAX...
And here's me....yeah I know! I am actually looking out the window! That is because we were favorite part of flying!

Here's Cory waiting FOREVER for our luggage.....

Later Gators!


  1. Wow, you must have some boring kind of layover. You are the ONLY person I know that updates us on your vacation status. Are ou TRYING to make me jealous? Oh - it's working alright.

    Thanks for that.

    PS - you're a pansy... why didn't you ask Coach Meyers?!

  2. Almost there! Keep us posted!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)