
Monday, August 11, 2008

Am I awake?

April writing...

Monday...stinkin...morning. Always comes so quickly doesn't it?! Oh well, here's to another week. Hope it's a great one for everyone!

So this weekend was pretty decent. Saturday Cory and I slept in...(so nice!) and when we got up we had lunch (yeah we slept in that late...but we WERE up till 4 am! Cory had overtime and I watched movies till he got home!) Anyways...then we headed out to Ikea to pick out new bedroom furniture. We will be selling our old bedroom furniture to get if anyone is interested in buying, let me know I can send you pics! It's two night stands, one skinny six drawer unit, a 6 drawer chest, 3 drawer chest and a wardrobe unit. All matching.

This is what we WANT...

This mirror will actually be going long ways above the 8 drawer chest.
And of is the 8 drawer chest.Our bedside tables... The other chest, 6 drawers...
And of course the bed frame...but this will be coming later. Our bed will actually be sitting higher than this pic does. It looks like they just have the mattress down where the boxspring should be. hmmm. I am really excited about that. That will mean that the bedroom is ONE step closer to being complete. (minus new paint and carpet...coming eventually!)

Then Saturday evening I did some work out in the yard while Cory headed into work 4 hours early. (my bad baby!!) You see, he got called in and if I hadn't have answered the phone on accident...well let's just say...he wouldn't have had to go in. Oops! After Cory left, I joined up with Brittany and Jason to help put up some pictures from the Puerto Rico missions trip in the Grand Hall for people at church to see during the In-Between Scene. So that was my Sat. night.

Sunday was of course church in the am, then I headed home to bake a cake for Tammy's 30th Birthday!!! yeah TAMM!!! We went over their house on Sunday night and had Burgers and Hot Dogs and lots of cake! :) Tamm's sis-in-law, Chrissy made this awesome cake. You see Tammy is kind of laid up right now after having surgery on her ankle. So Chrissy took a barbie doll, cut it's hair short, put a fake cast on the leg and sat the barbie on the cake with the leg on a whoopie cushion. The cake said, "turning 30 stinks!" haha! It was too cute! I jumped on the trampoline with the kiddos for about 25 minutes...(woah am I paying for that this morning!) but it was a nice night.

So here we are again at the beginning of the work week. I actually don't have all that much going on this week (thank heavens.) I will be doing some errands for Brittany's Shower and then we have the Youth Leaders Retreat on Friday evening and Saturday. This week looks to be pretty mild, and so far the weather is matching. It was a glorious 72 degrees outside and no humidity this am. How nice. I actually got to ride to work with the window down!!! Hoping that sticks around, because I am really ready for FALL. The summer has flown by and I am kinda glad. It's just been miserably hot and nasty. So I long for some time to spend outside in the cooler weather with no mosquitoes!!!'s early so you may hear from me again. Have a GREAT Monday either way!


  1. NO WAY, man! BOO on the cold morning! YUCK!!

    BRING BACK THE HEAT (but keep the mosquitos!!)

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Hey Girl :O)
    sounds like a nice weekend
    You have a great Monday too!

  3. I don't know why, but Ia really looking forward to the fall. Probably because everything will be so new with Tessie here. PLUS I am needing some cooler weather. I feel like hermit in my house because I don't open any of the blinds to try and keep the heat out. Bring on the fall!!!!

  4. I think that is a platform bed. That's what we have. You do not use a boxspring, only a mattress. They're made for small houses like city houses. We couldn't get a boxspring up our stairs so we got a platform bed. Did you go looking at Ikea? Because lots of their beds are platforms.

  5. Well what's wierd is that in the store it had both a mattress and box spring because I remember the end of the bed was even with the footboard....hmmm

  6. They are made for both. They are made to be used in city-style homes, liek Terri said, but can also be used with both. So you're not using it wrong just becuase you have both. No worries... it's a whoel different look the the room, too. Different styles for everyone. :-)


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