
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Blah Blah Blahsssss

April writing...

So, let's see how I am doing on my list of things to do:
Finish stuff for Jason/Verb - CHECK (see below for some additional fun!)
Coupon/Grocery Store research - CHECK (see below for that bundle of awesomeness!)
Project for Amazing Glaze - CHECK (see below for my idea)

So not bad. In fact I will need to head to lunch here soon and head over to Food Lion to get my snacks for tonight.

Ok onto the continuation of the above:
Verb: I am just excited to say that our Halloween plans are a GO...and I am super-stinkin' excited about it! More to come on that later I am sure!!! But it is going to be "super" awesome! haha!

Coupons: Ok so I called around and checked some of the local grocery stores. I called Food Lion, Superfresh, Giant, Weis and Bloom. I found out the following:
Food Lion - Does NOT double coupons
Giant - Does double coupons every day up to $.50
Superfresh - Does double coupons every day up to $1.00
Weis Markets - Does double coupons every day up to $.50
Bloom - Does NOT double coupons

I am def. digging Superfresh's outlook on coupons!!! haha! So my plan is to get Sundays paper and see what I could find. I also ran across a couple other really neat websites that I may look into. They are and Both of these sites offer memberships per year and you go in and select the coupons you want and they mail them to you already clipped out. So you can do that on top of clipping Sundays coupons and really save a bundle! Like I said in my earlier lady saved over $184 on her grocery bill and only paid $3.02!!! I am so there...I am all over that!!! Seriously! :)

So, now let's see...onto the Amazing Glaze project...I am thinking of doing a flower pot...and it will be sitting in my bay I kinda want to go with the theme in my LR and DR. So I am thinking of doing a black pot and decorating it with white puffy paint swirls all over. (not sure why I am going to burden myself with the stress of puffy paint again, cause it nearly killed me last time!) The only difference this time is I won't be needing to match it up to the opposite side of my project. They can all be in their own design and shape. Sooo I am excited.

Alrighty, well I just had some work plopped down on my desk so I am going to get to work on that...then head to the store. Talk to you soon!!!

1 comment:

  1. Obviously yesterday was a really long day for you. You had two blogs before you even went to lunch. Lol. Now you are going to have to update your amazing glaze experience. All these people think you have a flower pot. =)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)