
Sunday, August 03, 2008

I don't know what curiosity did to the cat...

but it sure killed me.

April writing...

I did some digital scrapbooking tonight. Not like I needed a reason to waste more time in front of the computer. But I think it turned out quite nicely for my first time around. Tell me what you think? (I know it will be small on here, but if you click on should open a new window bigger.)


And what do you think? Should I continue doing some pages, just for your viewing pleasure at least??!! :)

(oh and good luck to My Sis and Bro-in-Law who put an offer on a house today...*fingers crossed Sarah and Kyle!*)


  1. So here is my deal with digital scrap booking....... it's just doesn't feel the same. You know? I like them and you can do some really cool stuff in like half the time, but for some reason I don't get the same feeling from it. Of pride because I made it... does that make sense?

  2. I LOVE it!!! I say keep doing it, BUT I have to say I like your reg. scarpbookin better because of all of the page dynamics, etc. Does that make sense? I love the different layers, etc., that you can really see and feel.

    But this rocks!! (minus the fact that I can't click on it to make it bigger, for some reason...)

    So I guess I'm kind've with Britney. I mean - of your kid draws youa pictures, it's super cute and cool becuase they MADE it. But if they used Microsoft Paint and made you one... does it have the same effect? I dunno...


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)