
Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood!

April writing...

First off, let me start by saying...the gorgeous today. And that can only mean one thing (well it could actually mean a few things....but anyways!) FALL IS ON IT'S WAY!!!

In fact the first day of fall is September 22nd and I am SO excited! There is so much to look forward to this fall...and I will share a few of those wonderful things with you in this post.

#1 - The birth of one Tessie Leigh. I am so eager and excited to see her. Our friends Jason and Brittany are due very soon. In fact she got some news today, because of some recent blood work she will be having Tessie a little sooner than the 25th. If she hasn't delivered by September 9th, they will induce her. So our prayers go out to them. That everything will come together, that she will get loads of gifts at this weekend's baby shower and that Tessie is a healthy beautiful little bouncing bundle of joy!!

#2 - This one is super exciting for me! I just got approved to be an Independent Certified Instructor for the Baby Signs Program! YEAH!!! This means I will be able to teach baby sign language as a second job!! :) This is going to be SO much fun!!! AHHH so if you have any friends or if you yourself wanted to learn to teach your baby sign language in order to encourage early communication, I can soon help!!

#3 - The Super-Hero-Ween Bash. I am terribly excited for this. The students (peer leaders) at Verb have been begging for a Halloween Party or Bonfire for a we have decided and been approved to do it!!! We are so excited! It is going to be a carnival type atmosphere, with games and fall-ish things to do. As well as a costume contest...Make your own SUPER HERO...hopefully they will really get into it and bring their friend along!!! It's going to be GREAT. And the best part, it's for Middle School and High School kiddos only!!!

There is so much more....but it's getting busy for me at work again...I will talk more about it all later! Hope you are all having GREAT days!!


  1. I am so glad that you decided to go with the baby sign language even if I am happy for my own selfish reasons. But I think that you will be awesome at it. We just have to get you a big group of followers to help increase your business! I am simply amazed at this weather recently. It is absolutely perfect! And I am trying so hard to come up with my own super hero. Its kinda hard.

  2. Super-Hero-Ween = brillance!


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)