
Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Shout out to dumb criminals.....

Cory Writing.....

I am trying to save the manly portion of this blog site. My wife has moved our blog way too far into the girly section of things, so I am trying to save it from the planet Venus.

So I am dedicating this blog to the Dumb Criminals.

I was talking with one of my fellow police officers the other day and he was telling me a story, so I am going to share it with you.

This officer received a call for a Burglary to a shed. The officer's responded out to the address and met with the reporting person. The guy walked them through his house and out into the back yard. As the officer walked into the backyard something caught his eye. He looked over and noticed that there were several marijuana plants sitting next to the front door. He took the Burglary report from the man and then he arrested him for possession of a Controlled Dangerous Substance.

With Criminals like this running our streets my job is so much easier. So I want to send a Shout out to Dumb Criminals. Thank you.

Until next time Peace, Love and Hair Grease.


  1. This "manly" blog reminds me that I found the funniest gift the other day for your first child. Stay tuned, it's gonna be a good one.

  2. Oh no... I love it. Ha haha... tell us more!!

  3. Well...if you would BLOG more...

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Thanks Cory for keeping us women centered! Sometimes we need a good dose of male mentality! :)

  5. I agree with April. In order for it not to feel like "Planet Venus" you have to write a little more. =) CHEESE!!!


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