
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Simple Pleasure Thursday.......

Cory Writing.......

OK I was very disappointed with the Simple Pleasure Thursday results from last week. Where are all those people that read this blog? Think of you simple pleasures and post them. It is amazing how blessed you will feel by just thinking about a simple pleasure every week.

My simple pleasure this week is a nice warm/hot shower.

We went to our leadership get a way last weekend and the shower was cold. Unless you were someone that could shower in a yucky shower or you were cool enough to figure out how to turn the handle in the other shower. I wasn't any of these people, so I had a freezing shower.

There it is...... please post your simple pleasure.


  1. Ok, I'll chime in...

    My simple pleasure is comfortable silence...when you're with someone and you don't feel like you *have* to fill that space with something.

  2. Ok I will add mine in a comment not my encourage other bloggers to do the same!

    My simple pleasure is freshly shaved legs and clean sheets. *ahhhhmazing*

  3. Come on Cory!!! I already had my simple pleasure all thought out last night..... as I was in the shower. Stealer. I was so going to say the same thing. So my simple pleasure for today is the phone. I miss my family like crazy and getting to talk to my mom for like an hour really helps me out.

  4. ooh... ohh... Mine is a fresh new haircut (well done of course). I just LOVE the feeling!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)