
Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The F A L L creep...

April writing...

I am glad for the slow down...the fall creep. It means for a moment we can breathe. Life slows down and we can soak in all the yummy fall goodness. How I adore the fall season. As much as I love my flowers in the spring and my pools in the summer....I just adore fall. There is just something about the pace of it all, the crispness in the air (although not quite there yet), the fun family traditions. Ahhhh I am just loving it and wishing it would come faster every day!!

I am excited to get some mums for my front decorate creatively with some autumn inspired carve play flag football... for the super-hero-ween burn my mulled cider roast smores by the wear jeans and have thanksgiving with the family + one additional member....(Tessie is only 6 days away!)!! There is just so much to look forward to this year!


I'm ready.

1 comment:

  1. I love fall too! I can't wait for it to be here and for us to enjoy everything that fall has to offer!


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