
Thursday, September 04, 2008

liiiikkkaaaa glove.

April writing...

Fall suits me. It fits just right on I mentioned in the title, it a glove. (although in the title it was stated in my best Jim Carrey voice.) It makes me feel organized and prepared. Probably because I am gearing up for the impending doom that is the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays...what ever it is...I love it.

Jason talked last night in youth basically about getting so caught up in the busyness of life that we miss out on what's important...deepening our relationship with God, our families, our friends. Schoolwork and Work just impacts it all. What I liked most that he said was..."You can't go deeper if your going wider." (or some other semblance of that statement) Basically meaning...if you spread yourself too thin, there is no way to go deep into in one thing...especially things that may need it!!! So I am on a course to BEAT down the busy schedule this season!!

I updated my calender a bit more today. (since I have switched back to the actual pen, paper and for me, highlighter method as opposed to using my palm pilot.) During that process I actually made a to-do list and completed 3 of those items on today's lunch break alone...Busy schedule = 0, April = 1.

I feel as though I can handle anything that comes my way this fall...which is already booking up fast!! I also saw on my calendar that this Sunday is Grandparents while out getting a card for another occasion, I picked up three cards. One for Cory's Grandma, one for my Dad's parents and one for my Mom's Dad. I came back to work, wrote little love letters in them all and they are stamped and in the mailbox. Busy schedule = 0, April = 2. (I am on a roll!)

The house is clean, minus any minor laundry that needs to be complete and even Cory has gotten in on some cleaning and organizing by taking down some old TV's that we are going to sell. And next week the dogs get shampooed and clipped...won't they love me! Busy schedule = 0, April (with Cory's help) = 3....oh yeah baby!!

Now there is plenty left for me to do...both work wise, training for my new pt job, Verb S.M. wise and personally...but I have time. SO here we go....and I plan on winning. So busy are on notice. You're going down!

1 comment:

  1. Ooh Ooh Ooh... I want a nice calendar!! I do I do!!

    I want to be super organized, too!

    If I'm ever going to do it, it's going to be over the next 3 months, so why not! :-D

    ... now to just find a cute calendar and a new purse to fit it in...


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