
Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I NEED these Decor Elements...

April writing...

I have been meaning to...Seriously. I NEEDS me some of these Decor Elements vinyl wall rub-on's. They are just simply amazing and I am already a rub-on fan when it comes to my scrapbooking, so to be able to do the SAME to my walls...*I am drooling!*

I just haven't ordered them yet. To be honest, I got overwhelmed. When I got the first batch of advertisement from Stampin' Up I couldn't keep my eyes off it...and just when I had about decided what I would purchase, they sent the supplemental advertisement...with MORE goodies! Now I am simply LOST.

So I am kicking my butt into gear and PURCHASING at least ONE of these Decor Elements...not only because I WANT them, but because I NEED to place an order to stay ACTIVE haha. This lovely recession or whatever we are in, coupled with the gas prices and just all around craziness is seriously effecting my Stampin' Up business. That and I get RSVP's to Club and then the numbers slowly dwindle down to ONE...and I cancel it, to save that ONE person some gas.

Anyways...I am rambling. Here's what I have been going through...while deciding on what to PICK!!!

This is one beautiful example of how these wonderful vinyl rub-on's can be used...and I am IN LOVE with the idea. Ahhh!

Now to tease both YOU and ME with more ideas...
This lovely lady, put her rub-on on a blank picture frame and backed it with some decorative paper. What a neat look!

And this one...I LOVE...I am actually thinking about doing something very similar (with initials) on my dining room may be what I purchase.

And I just ADORE these flourishes...I want them too. Ehhhh *see my problem?*

And THIS!? What a stinkin' CUTE idea?!?!

So...I am just at a loss. I am seriously torn between the Monogram idea and the flourishes. At least with the Monogram I KNOW where it would go and what I would do. So I may just hold onto getting the flourishes for now.

Anyways...I will be ORDERING whatever I decide on FRIDAY...cause I just can't wait any longer. I will also be posting a tutorial post when I actually put it on my walls!

FOR any of you who may be interested in purchasing one or more of these lovely vinyl art rub-ons, please contact me will be helping me meet my "active" requirements for orders and adding design and style to your home at the same time!!! WHAT?! Awesome!

Take a look at all the Decor Elements products here. Seriously...drop me a line if you are interested in ordering something. Mention this post and SAVE 10% on your ORDER!
Here's my email address...Slickslady AT verizon DOT com :)


  1. I NEED them, too!! But first I seriously NEED to paint my walls, otherwise, it's all pointless. Right?! So... that first (no time in sight, either) and THEN I'll be an ordering MONKEY, going crazy will all of this shnazzy shtuff!

  2. Anonymous12:44 PM

    OH I love them all too... So many ideas, but then I came home and expressed my ideas to the hubby and he vetoed all of them. YUCK!!! I hate compromise!!


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