
Monday, October 20, 2008

Pet peeve Monday

Cory Writing...

Ok well I have come up with a better name for Monday's blog and we are going to call it Monday Moans. You can whine, complain, or share your pet peeves.

My Monday Moan is going to be about the weather. I hate the cold weather. It makes me very angry and doesn't allow me to get out of bed on time. I didn't get out of bed today until 11:15 and that makes me mad. I didn't need to sleep that long, but I did because my bed was warm and my house was cold. So that is my Moan. Sorry God I hate the seasons. Just give me warm.

Share your Monday Moans.


  1. My Monday Moan is getting out of the warm bed and having to get ready in the chilly house (even though I don't mind the chilly house that much)...the worst of it is seeing my sleeping warm hubby while I am getting ready for

  2. I am SO right there with you, Cory! Take away the cold, and leave us the warm weather ALL year around!

    But I'll come up with my own for this week, too. How about mouth noises!

    My family knows that I am completely irritated by mouth noises. Chewing with your mouth open, or chewing a huge wad of bubblegum in a microphone like the Tennessee rookie did this past weekend after the game. You've GOT to be kidding me!! It's so completely disgusting, and I litereally start to tense up and just get SOOO angry at the world when I keep hearing it.

    The lady on the other side of the tall cubicle wall here at work - I can hear her eat her lunch. It makes ne want to throw a stapler over there (but after watching Bones, I learned that it would be abd idea).

    SERIOUSLY, people! Stop with the mouth noises - I'm going INSANE!!!

  3. Ok! So my Monday Moan has to be people who are not on time or at least close enough to being somewhat on time when they say that they are going to meet me or come over at a certain time...ok! so things happen I do understand that part but hellooo...that doesn't keep me waiting any less...ok, I'm done. :P

  4. My monday moan would be having a stuffy nose to the point you can't hardly sniff in air so you have no choice but the breath out of your mouth, which makes me feel like I am one of those irritating mouth-noisy, snot-sniffing/blowing & coughing people!

  5. Great Monday Moans. I am with all of you on your moans. Especially the mouth noises. Makes me very angry.

  6. I know that it isn't Monday anymore, but I am still chiming in....

    My Monday moan is when you have just that one day when nothing seems to go right. I just want to ask that day if it could just give me a break already. But I don't think it is listening.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)