
Thursday, October 02, 2008

Simple Pleasure Thursday

April writing...(for my sick wittle Cory)

Cory says,

"My simple pleasure for today is a good Kleenex that doesn't hurt your nose...for I very sick."

So what's your simple pleasure today?


  1. Hope you are better soon! Very cute family - LOVE your doggies! Well - I have to admit I am doing the flylady things on my own - I just copied the graphic from her site and then I go and update manually each day. Hey, anything I can do to spread the love, I just do it when I am checking my emails each morning. It would be nice if she would create something like that for us bloggers, don't you think?

    Now, simple pleasure? Hmmmm - it would have to be Baby Swings!

  2. I have been waiting for this. Yay!

    Ok! My simple pleasure, once again is my friend boy, Steve and knowing that chivalary(sp?) is not dead. Add to that a few sacrifices he made just to go with me on this trip.

    Last week, while getting onto my first plane Steve held my hand and kept telling me it would be ok; there's nothing to worry about. On top of this, he went over 24 hours without a great deal of sleep. As well as, his tallness being a comfort issue while sitting in a not so comfy airplane seat. I tell ya chivalary is not dead.

    PS: I hope you feel better soon Cory!

  3. My simple pleasure would have to be having the comfort of my mom. My mom arrived the day before Tessie was born and though we didn't get to do anything that we had planned, I am so thankful to have her here. I have just been dying to get some sleep recently and last night she just took over. So I would sleep until Tess needed to eat, she would bring her to me and then take her when she was done. I was able to sleep for about 7 hours!!!! I have missed my sleep. So thanks momma for everything!

  4. Simple pleasures... simple pleasures...

    I'd have to say that my simple pleasure is unpacking a box. It doesn't matter what's in the box (unless it's bills or something yucky like that) but you ALWAYS feel better when you unpack a box becuase you did it! You finally did it!!

    Or hanging a picture. It adds life to your home and only takes a nail or two. *sigh...

    I have way too many simple pleasures. Can we do it Tuesdays AND Thursdays??

    Get better soon, Cor!

  5. Anonymous3:51 AM

    My simple pleasure this week is cleaning. I know, right? CLEANING! But it's true... this week I took the time to steam clean my carpet, wipe down the baseboards, dust everything, vacuum under my bed (MUCH needed!), hand-scrub the bathroom sink, shower stall, bathtub and toilet, and mop the bathroom floor.

    At the end of the day I was tired but felt so productive!! So it was worth it! =)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)