
Thursday, October 16, 2008

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing...

My simple pleasure today is picking out names of my future child with my wife. My wife and I are using the power of positive thinking with this whole IUI thing. So we have been feverishly trying to find names in case we have a little girl. We have our boy name, but we are needing a girl name.

My wife has two girl names picked out and I am just being stubborn because I don't really like the two. I will have to admit they are both growing on me. I never knew how hard it was to pick out names, but there is so much to think about.

What will they think about the name?
What is the first thing you think about with the name?
How will they be teased?
Does it fit with your last name and the middle name?

Wow way too much to think about and we haven't even bothered with what does the name mean?

Lets hear your simple pleasure......


  1. My simple pleasure is patience. It's hard to come by as of late because we will be finding out if we are pregnant on the 24th...and people at work are testing it...but when I do have it, it is something strong that I can hold onto and it keeps me sane.

  2. Hang in there you two! This time will be a distant memory soon, as other plans start taking place and soon you'll be seeing that tiny heartbeat blipping on the screen.

    My simple pleasure is a sense of humor. God knows this is a must-have as a parent!

  3. Anonymous12:29 PM

    My simple pleasure is being home schooled and learning by my way and at my pace.

  4. My simple pleasure for the week is craving your OWN recipe. For example: All day today I've had this unimaginable insane craving for my own meatballs. It's ridiculous. In fact - I think I'll stop by on the way home to pick up the stuff so I can make them tonight, even though I'll be the only one eating them. But it also makes me feel proud of myself to have created something good enough to crave later. :-)

    PS - A&C: Don't forget to yell your future baby's name out the back to see if it sounds good (that's old advice, but good advice nonetheless!)

  5. Running. Knowing that I can get on the treadmill and just go. It's been an interesting year for my bionic leg...and my running time is quickly becoming a familiar, if simple, pleasure.

  6. My simple's being able to be weak when I always feel like I have to be strong.

    I think that being weak doesn't mean you are not strong; it just means you know when to say "Help".

  7. My simple pleasure is being able to take a flippin' nap. Though my child as of right now doesn't want to help her mommy out in this situation. But I must keep trying. We both need our sleep. I miss you naps....


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