
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing...

My real simple pleasure for this Thursday can't be put on here because it isn't very politically correct, so if you want to know it just ask in person and I will tell you.

My politically correct simple pleasure is to watch my little sister bekah (I don't like the label in-law so I don't use it) play her last home game of volleyball and getting to enjoy senior night with her and her family. She has done a great job in her volleyball career and the game was spectacular even if they did lose.

Please share you simple pleasure even if it is not politically correct. I just can't risk my career for this blog sorry guys. Ha Ha.


  1. Thanks Cory for the "in-law" comment....You are definitely the son we never had. Cary and I really love you and Kyle and are glad you are both part of our family "forever". (Yup, you are stuck!) I am glad that Bekah as a big brother, too.

  2. Matching hangers. I just re-did my closet, so instead of a hodge podge, everything is uniform. Totally silly, but it's a simple pleasure. :)

  3. My simple pleasure this week would have to be being reminded that someone does care about me. It's hard to remember this at times because of the busyness and stressfulness that life creates at any given time.

  4. Hmm... let me see. My simple pleasure, this week, is no matter HOW warm your house is, it's always warmer in your bed. I love that (except when it's TOO warm in your house, and thus WAY too warm in your bed).

    Good times. ;-)

  5. Well at the risk of sounds a bit freakish...I will just be honest. Since I have had babies on the brain makes sense. My simple pleasure is the smell of a baby. They smell like joy.

  6. My simple pleasure would have to be flowers. There is something about them that just brings a smile to your face.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)