
Friday, October 24, 2008

Too bad...oh too sad news.

April writing...

I spoke with my wonderful nurse, Sonya earlier. It looks like Cory and I aren't pregnant this time around.


We are STILL staying positive...we know God has His plans.

I won't lie and say I am not super bummed...but I know all good things come to those who wait. In the meantime I find pleasure in knowing that a few of my new friends on my fertility website are getting their BFP's. (Big Fat Positives) They are pregnant now and that brings me joy, yes even in seeing someone else get something that I want so badly. I'm not heartless! I also know that one more month not pregnant just gives us more time to pay down debt and get our house remodeling done.

*that's me, just looking for the positive in everything!!*

Sonya says all the pieces and parts are there and working as they should, so we have no reason to believe that this won't happen for us...we just may have to work a little harder at it. So off we go...

We are headed into IUI round #2 this next week. Please pray for us. So far, Cory has been holding up and dealing with any of my slight hormonal/emotional swings like a real champ, and my body has done well adjusting to the medications, my weight...well not so much. So hopefully I can get a handle on that before they UP my dosage! :) (Or else I may REALLY eat the whole house this time!)

We will keep you in the LOOP!!! :) Thanks again for all the support guys!!!


  1. Sorry to hear that, sis. We're all praying for you guys. You're going to be the best parents, when the time comes, ya know that?!

    Of course you do.

    But in the mean time, we'll keep praying for babies and sanity (along with God's timing).

  2. I am praying for you both! I know God is just waiting to give you and Cory some beautiful babies to love on and take very good care of.

  3. I love you both with all of my heart and Sarah is exactly right, you are going to be fab parents.


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)