
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Baby Signs® Program

April writing...

It's official. I am a Certified Independent Instructor with the Baby Signs® Program! I am gearing up to schedule my first classes!!

Allow me to introduce you the Program!!

This program was pioneered by "Dr. Mom's," Linda Acredolo and Susan Goodwyn, authors of the best-selling book, BABY SIGNS: How to Talk with Your Baby Before Your Baby Can Talk.

The purpose of the Baby Signs® Program is to give babies a way to communicate before they can talk. It provides babies with the signs that they can use most easily to express their needs, thoughts and feelings until they have words.

The Baby Signs® Program is based on American Sign Language (ASL) with a few "baby-friendly" modifications to make them easier for babies to do. The Baby Signs® Program also offers baby-created signs that closely match babies' direct experiences, like blowing for "hot," pinching fingers as if picking up Cheerios for "cereal," and panting for "dog."

In the Baby Signs® Program, you have the flexibility to use signs that work best for your family. Signing is about communication, understanding and intimacy between you and your baby. In the end, whatever signs you use, you are opening the world to your baby and opening your baby's world to you.

I am really excited to have the opportunity to share the Baby Signs® Program with all of you because throughout all of my training I have truly seen the benefits in many families lives. I have always wanted to teach my own children (when the time comes) to be able to communicate with Cory and I at an earlier age.

There are some great classes that the Baby Signs® Program offers, let me start with the first step:

"The Parent Workshop"
This class is hosted for approx. 60-90 minutes. At this class you will find out What the Baby Signs® Program is all about, Why the Baby Signs® Program is so popular, When to get started and How to choose and teach signs.
The cost for this workshop is $50 per person and that includes the Baby Signs® Parent Kit filled with everything you will need for the workshop and what you will need to start signing with your baby at home.

"The Sign, Say & Play Classes"
This class is hosted for 6 weeks, with 1 45-60 minute session per week. At these classes parents and children attend together and they are introduced to activities to stimulate a baby's development in many areas. Each class offers signs and activities based on specific areas of interest, i.e. Mealtime, Bedtime, Bath Time, Getting Dressed, Pets and the Park.
The cost for these classes are $125 per family and that includes the Baby Signs® Sign, Say & Play Kit filled with so many fun learning tools for your family to use as well as what you will need for each class.

There are also other extension workshops such as the Potty Training Demo, MORE Sign, Say & Play Classes and the Early Childhood Educator Training.

There are also MANY great products for use with the Baby Signs® Program. Here you can view the PRODUCTS. I will highlight just a few of them:

BeeBo Music Bundle, BeeBo DVD Bundle, BeeBo Book Bundle

DVD Fun Pack, I Can Sign Complete DVD Series, Potty Training Kit

I am truly excited about this opportunity and I am looking forward to working with any of you and your friends who are interested in learning and teaching communication to your children at an earlier age.
If you are interested in any of the products or workshops, please contact me today to purchase your products, schedule your Parent Workshop or get registered for the next series of Sign, Say & Play Classes!!!

Leave a comment or contact me via email at

Within the next couple of weeks, I will have my website up and running. There you can see the schedule of classes and register for a class. You can purchase products and read more about the benefits of the Baby Signs® Program!!

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