
Thursday, November 13, 2008

Simple Pleasure Thursday.

Cory Writing....

Today's simple pleasure is going to seem like I am bragging, but please understand the nature of my pleasure.

My simple pleasure is coming up with a brilliant idea to stop by the store and get my wife flowers to take to work, so her day will be filled with pleasure. I stopped by the store to pick out said flowers and to my pleasure I locate my wife's favorite flower. Not to mention her favorite flower, but it is in my price range. I was able to get her flowers, her favorite kind and in my price range. What an awesome simple pleasure.

Now let me hear your simple pleasures. You guys have let me down the last couple weeks on Monday Moans and Simple Pleasure Thursdays. Lets pick it up. wink wink.


  1. My simple pleasure is my bed! Nothing makes you more grateful for a comfortable bed than when you have to be away from it. The perfect softness of mattress, the right weight for your comforter - nice!

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    My simple pleasure for today would have to be warm showers to wake you on a cold day and after a night of barely any sleep.

  3. My simple pleasure this week... hmm... I guess it'd have to be having a clean bedroom.

    It's like when everything's put away in your room, you sleep better, you have a gleam in your eye, you have an extra hitch in yer giddy-up - it just makes things a liiiiittle bit happier and easy to handle.

  4. Funny thing is my simple pleasure was going to be recieving flowers from my husband. But not just flowers that will fade...but a pot of my favorite flowers to last a little bit longer!

  5. my honey having so much patience while I'm recovering from my surgery. I'm so not a good patient at times.

  6. My simple pleasure is reading my kid's blogs everyday. I Love It!

  7. Cory that was a very thoughtful idea!!! Way to go!

    My pleasure will have to wait until tomorrow since I am very late on this one.


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