
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Simple Pleasure Thursday.

Cory Writing.....

Today is simple pleasure Thursday and my simple pleasure is the art of being able to communicate with your spouse effectively.

My wife and I do this very well. Don't get me wrong we aren't' perfect at it, but it has been a focus. We have taken the time to go to counseling for it and in the last five years we have dedicated ourselves to learning each others communication styles.

Last night I got to see the results of our hard work. We had a conversation about finances (a tense subject in its own right). We were able to communicate our points and come to what I believe was a great compromise and decision. With no moments of intense fellowship.

I love you baby and glad we are making improvements on our communication.


  1. My simple pleasure is choclate milk. And not just any chocolate milk, but Nestle's brand. It's so yummy to my tummy and it always quenches my thirst :)

  2. My simple pleasure is buying Christmas gifts and then finding what you want for cheap!!!! LOVE IT!!

  3. I am going to kind of borrow/steal Cory's Simple Pleasure this week and yes I know I am a few days overdue. Anyway, here it goes....

    Steve and I have made one of the greatest commitments. We have promised to work on our marriage before we are even married (yes, we have talked about it but he has yet to ask me). Let me "splain"...

    We both come from broken families where our parents are divorced for one reason or rather many reasons. Growing up, I always promised myself I would have a better marriage than my parents did. As of late I have been working really hard on controlling my emotions rather than allowing them to control me. Communication is big for me (and Steve).

    Thursday night was a big test of this for us both. As for what took place, I will not go into the details. Anyway, before we talked about it; he allowed me to take my time and collect myself. Then we talked, there was no yelling; we just talked. Afterwards, we hugged and made up. The best part was that I didn't allow my emotions to control me but me to control them.

    This is my simple pleasure that Steve and I can really understand each other and meet the need to be heard, (even though Steve is deaf).


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)