
Monday, December 01, 2008

Monday Moans

Cory Writing...

My Monday moan today is the Maryland weather. I truly miss my southern California weather. The only thing you had to worry about there is whether it was going to rain or not. Here you have to worry is it going to rain, snow, sleet, hail, is it going to be hot or so cold you can't feel your toes. Then you take today for example it is cold, raining, foggy and God knows what else. UGGGGGGHHHHHHH I hate Maryland Weather.

OK let me here your moans. Everyone is going back to work after a long weekend with family so I know there should be good moans out there.


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    My Monday Moan.... I wake up around 6:30 to my husband gagging because he is cleaning up from where Joshua and Caden have vomitted in their beds as well as diarrhea. So I have been dealing with sick boys all day!!

    Carrie Bowyer

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    My moan would have to be the weather, too. I just hate it so much D< I want spring and summer right now. Guh.

  3. My moan would have to be extra security measures with your online accounts. Although I do throughly enjoy and see the benefits...sometimes, they make me wanna pull out my hairs. boo.

  4. well. mine woulda been going back to school. but. that didnt work out for me. so instead. i just hate being sick & having cramps at the same time.. wack.

  5. My Monday moan (though I'm a day late... oopsie!) is having to break in new shoes. They aren't awful high heels... they are good reasonable and cute shoes, but you still have to go through at least one day, usually more, of misery in order to break them in. Why?! WHY does it have to be this way???

  6. A day late and a dollar short. Sorry this is late. My moan is family. While I do love my family, I don't understand their method of thinking when it comes to certain things.


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)