
Friday, December 19, 2008

My Husby Rocks Friday

April writing...

My Husby rocks because we are going to Sushi tonight. This may not seem like a big deal in your house...but in ours...I am the only one who like Sushi. I have been craving it, along with my Sister for months now...and we are finally going. And my dear 'rockin' Husby is going with! We are also taking about 8 other students from the Youth Group who really love Sushi it should be a GREAT time!!!

Thanks for rockin' (and Sushi rollin') with me tonight baby!

1 comment:

  1. Oh no I totally just ruined this husband rocks because I have decided that I am not going because I have to go to overtime tonight at 9 pm. Sorry I don't rock this week baby.


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