
Friday, January 09, 2009

My Husband Rocks Friday

April writing...

A little different template we go!

1. Where did you meet? We met at church. At the time my Dad was the Youth Pastor and his Mom took the job as the Children's Pastor. At first...ohh he drove me nuts. I couldn't stand him. He was this cocky-Gods-gift-to-women type that loved to tease me incessantly.

2. How long did you date before you were married? Approx. two and half years I believe...For some reason I never can remember that...probably because we changed the wedding date so much!

3. What does he do that surprises you? When he quietly takes care of household chores for me. It always seems to fit into the times that I REALLY don't want to do them.

4. What is your favorite quality of his? I would have to say one of my favorite qualities is his goofiness. It only comes out every so often, but when it does I LOVE it.

5. What is your favorite feature of his? His smile. I think my Husby has a rockin' smile.

6. Does he have a nickname for you? He does have a few...the most often used is Babe or Renae. Then there is also and in the past been Baywatch and Apee.

7. What is his favorite food? I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he loves, loves, loves BBQ Chicken and Homemade Mac-N-Cheese...but he also really loves Spaghetti.

8. What is his favorite sport? Baseball...then College Football.

9. When and where was your first kiss? It was in his basement after we watched "Menace to Society." How romantic huh? Yeah and I was totally flipping out nervous too.

10. What do you like to do together? Anything we can. We love to be with each other, experiencing life and what comes along with it.

11. Do you have any children? Not yet! We do have two dogs though...they are the children for now.

12. Does he have a hidden talent? I think he can sing, if he tried to learn a little about how to do it correctly. Let's say there is TONE in there somewhere.

13. Who said "I love you" first? Uhm...I always say we both did. But he was saying it for a while during our friendship (he meant it just as friends) but I still think as far as the romantic type happened at the same time. We both felt it.

14. What is his favorite type of music? His favorite is Country.

15. What do you admire most about him? His Integrity. I know he is a good man and always will be one. He wrestles with his mistakes and he rejoices in his good doings.

16. Do you think he will read this? I know he will...maybe he will even return the favor???? :) (What lady doesn't like to hear what her Husby thinks?)

NOW it's your turn!


  1. love it! thanks for playing along :)

  2. I hope you don't mind me putting this in my reply/comment to you guys, I am not much into blogging lately. Here it goes...

    1. Where did you meet? Originally we met 7 years ago at church. I did notice him for a little while before he ever approached me but because he is deaf and I didn't know that he could read lips; I am learning to sign now, I didn't approach him. He says that he def. noticed me and he could tell I didn't know how to approach him; so he said hi.

    2. How long did you date before you were married? We are not yet married. He just asked me to marry him a few days ago. YAY!

    3. What does he do that surprises you? He does the little things. No matter how often he does them, I am always surprised. I love the little things.

    4. What is your favorite quality of his? The way he loves me even when I drive him crazy.

    5. What is your favorite feature of his? That would be his eyes. I love his eyes.

    6. Does he have a nickname for you? It's mostly Babe or Honey

    7. What is his favorite food? Pizza, without a doubt

    8. What is his favorite sport? He has a few but his all time fave I believe is Football.

    9. When and where was your first kiss? It was in my living room after he asked me to be his girl.

    10. What do you like to do together? Watch movies, talk, each other love

    11. Do you have any children? No

    12. Does he have a hidden talent? He is very good with animals. They are just drawn to him.

    13. Who said "I love you" first? It was me. I said it as friends but before I knew it, I was really growing in love with him.

    14. What is his favorite type of music? Hardcore stuff

    15. What do you admire most about him? His ability to forgive even the most hurtful thing ever done to him by someone he trusts.

    16. Do you think he will read this? I am going to show this to him when I am yeah! LOL!

    This was awesome and if you don't post it, that's ok...I just wanted to share with you my answers.

  3. I read it and enjoyed it. I will return the favor when you least expect it.


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