
Thursday, January 22, 2009

ok...this, is adorable.

April writing...

I am having an outstanding week. So to share in some of my cheer I want to show you guys something that I got from a fellow bloggy friend.

I TOTALLY want to do this...but where???

My only current I was thinking about getting the shelves and painting them black. Then taking picture is various kitchen items (i.e. forks, knives, teacup, mixer, etc) and putting them in vivid black and white. Then putting them in the frames and doing two rows of this shelf with my pictures on my main wall in the kitchen...?? What do you think (for those of you who have seen my kitchen.) Would that work? (I am kinda going for a homey-cafe type feel.)

For those that want to do one can find the shelves here. And you can find the clip frames here. (All at IKEA of course!)

If you add it to your some pictures!! I will be sure share when I add it to my house...somehow :)

p.s. - If you get a moment...say a little prayer for little Xavier. One of the members of our church, Lisa, her son Xavier had a stroke. (He is 5 I believe) He is not doing well and he needs our prayers! Also, send some prayers up for Linn, DW and their family. (Another bloggy friend) Their house burnt down last Wednesday and they are still picking up the pieces with their very large family. (8 kids) You can read her story here.

1 comment:

  1. So I have this super cute idea for pictures, too. Once I finally get up and get it done I'll definitely take a picture and post it on the blog... but until then, I'm keeping it hush hush (yeah, right!). It's a blend between a few other ideas I found... *giggling with excitement* I can't wait to do it for the wall above my couch!!!


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)