
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Lovey Day is almost here...

April writing...'s like two and half days till Lovey Day (Valentine's Day) and I hope you are ready!!! Cory and I will actually be celebrating this special day on Friday we have the Sadie Hawkins Party at church on Saturday night. (Which I hope turns out well)

So far, we have planned that we will be going to PF Changs for their $39.95 Couple's 4-Course Meal Deal. (who doesn't love a deal) And who knows after that...maybe snuggling at home over a couple good movies. I will of course be hosting Cory's Annual Lovey Day Clue Hunt...preparations on that are almost complete, and he will be receiving his gift which is a...sike, did you really think I was gonna tell ya!? I have already gotten my Lovey Day was a new iPod Nano (he wanted me to have it for our trip last weekend) and I love it!!! I am sure he has some other ideas to make the day special too...

So I am excited. What are your plans for Lovey Day?


  1. well. my plans contain work for about.. seven hours. & then. going to sadie hawkins.. amazing right?
    i dont even know if i'll see samuel! hah.

  2. My plans??? Make breakfast for my Mom and my honey. I have already given my honey his gifts as I can never wait to give gifts at times. I gave him a movie that is no longer in the making (I found it on and an engagement ring of his own. Because we like to be different in so many ways, I wanted to give him something to symbolize my promise to him, to love him with my entire life and always stand by his side in the good and bad times that life can's a little different and maybe kind of strange but I thought it was a good idea.

    The rest of the day will be spent cuddling up and watching a few movies I am sure.


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)