
Friday, February 13, 2009

My Husband Rocks Friday

April writing...

One word...Salsa. My husband rocks because last night I wanted Tacos for dinner (so did he!) and I knew we would need to run to the store for tortilla shells...however we also needed salsa. Not just any salsa either. I needed his Dad's salsa. You see, for those of you who don't know Cory's dad makes this killer homemade salsa. It is just simply wonderful and addicting! I refuse to have Tacos without seems like a crime!

Well we knew that he had a HUGE bucket of it stored in the Cafe at church. So we drove up to the church, Cory swiped us in and we made our way to the Cafe. All doors were locked. We tried to unlock and lift up the folding window to get in as we couldn't very well get through the other locked doors without a key.

It didn't work. I was so upset this point after about 30 minutes of dreaming of this salsa, I just knew I had to have it or Taco night was off! So we locked up the church, headed out into the parking lot and I called his Mom.

"Do you guys have the keys for the Cafe with you?" "No," she said "but John might have left them in the kitchen at our house. Call him and check."

"Hey John, it's you have your keys to the Cafe or are they at home?" "Oh they are hanging in the kitchen at home, you can swing by and get them if you need them."

I hung up and smiled a big devilish smile at Cory...he knew what we had to do next. So we drove BACK towards our house, passing it to get to his parents house, he ran in, got the keys and then we headed all the way back to the church.

We got there...went inside and filled up a HUGE jar of salsa to complete our Taco night. We picked up the rest of what we needed at the store and headed home to enjoy it all!

My husby rocks cause as much as he didn't want to run all over town just for salsa, he knew how badly I wanted it...and he did it.

THANKS baby...I think those were the best tacos ever! :)

Moral of the story - If your Father-In-Law runs the Cafe at church, especially if that is where he stores his salsa stash...get a spare key made for you...afterall, you ARE family!


  1. Yes those tacos were really good.

  2. Ha ha ha - and you should have a key, anyways, since you are on the "team", right? Right? It's gotta have SOME perks! ;-)


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)