
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing....

My simple pleasure this week is about the things we learn from our spouses. I never thought when I got married I would learn as much as I do from my wife. I always knew we would learn together, but to learn from her (don't take this wrong, my wife is brilliant) never crossed my mind. Well my wife has taught me a lot. Thank you babe for taking the time to teach me, and help me grow into a great husband.

What is your simple pleasure today?


  1. My simple pleasure is seeing someone come out on the other side of life's trials a better person than what they went in.


  2. I have two this week...

    My simple pleasure #1 is, being able to help. Even though I feel a twinge of that "UGH!" feeling, I still know that by putting others first, I'm doing something that probably others wouldn't and that's a good feeling.

    My simple pleasure #2 is, something like Cory's. I never thought I would learn so much from 1 person. Steve being the first and only guy that I have dated of the several guys that I dated shares pretty much the exact same beliefs that I have when it comes to God, Church and, Family. While I do learn from the similarities that we share, I learn more from the differences that we share as well. It's those differences that show me how to be a better person or just understand the world a little bit more.

  3. Two words: sinus medicine.

    Enough said.

  4. Listening to my baby "talk". There is nothing better than seeing the happiness on her face when she discovers something new and then starts talking to it. I never knew such a tiny creature could bring such joy.

  5. My simple pleasure today would be actually getting a bunch of little things done, like that feeling of accomplishment after you do things you don't really want to do, but have to do.
    Today I filled about a bunch of random papers for Lee and started to look at financial aid. SO TIME CONSUMING! but actually sitting down for a little while and getting a few of those things out of the way...feels pretty good :)


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