
Friday, February 20, 2009

Wasting time at work...digitally! :)

April writing...

So here I am at work...with not much to do. Finished the typical workey-work stuff and now I have some free time. So I figured I would do a little digital scrapbooking! Here are some of my creations. (Well I say mine...but I got the kits for FREE and I am buidling the layouts off others ideas!) I don't THAT much creativity flowing yet! :)

Bohemia_12x12 Layout

This one I kinda messed up and rushed through...I forgot to add my drop it doesn't look like there is much depth. Oh well, it's still cute!

Bohemia_12x12 Layout 2

more coming soon!


  1. LOVE IT!!!! umm if you wanna do you maybe wanna make me another header?

  2. Anonymous2:19 PM

    That's so cute! You people with your layouts and online scrap-booking. It drives me crazy that I don't know how to do it, ha. But I love seeing what you create and using your sense of creativity (:

  3. These are fantastic April. I need to get back to my scrapbooking. *sigh* Or I could just be in awe of your creativity. Yeah, that works!

  4. Great job. I need your creativity with my newsletters................PLEASE!


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