
Monday, March 30, 2009

Monday Moan

Cory Writing....

My Monday Moan today is about the weather. I am really upset that the weather will not cooperate with my days off. I have been off since Saturday morning and all it has done is rain. I had great plans for these days off and now they are ruined because the weather didn't cooperate.

What are your moaning about on this Monday?


  1. darn first rain of spring.

  2. My Monday moan is quite lame: I slept in this morning. I even made sure to go to bed early! But because of my subconscious hitting of the snooze button, I missed my morning run. It's no big deal. I'll run later today. I'm just slightly bummed that my week didn't start the way I envisioned.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Summerly is SO right...that DARN first rain of the spring REALLY messed us up!! Monday Moan are exceptionally long Mondays...with exceptionally obnoxious co-workers.

  4. The power going out. Totally annoys me and enlightens me at the same time. Obviously I rely on electricity way too much because I was very upset that I had to go 2 hours without power.

  5. My moan would have to be having to get up early to make phone calls only to know I got no where with them. Stupid finances, mostly for my student loans!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)