
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday Moan

Cory Writing....

OK I realize it is Tuesday, but I forgot/didn't have anything to moan about yesterday. Today I have figured out what I want to moan about.

I want to moan about our justice system. I am so tired of our justice system not working because flaming liberal judges don't want to sentence people for their transgressions. Because of their liberal ideologies things like what happened in Oakland California a few days ago happen. If you don't know what happened keep reading.

The first incident happened about 1:15 p.m. when two traffic officers were gunned down after what police described as a "routine" stop of a 1995 Buick in the 7400 block of MacArthur Boulevard in East Oakland, not far from the Eastmont Town Center.
About two hours later, after some 200 officers from Oakland Police, Alameda County Sheriff's Office, BART Police and the California Highway Patrol combed the area for the suspect, three SWAT officers were shot when their team found him hidden in an apartment on 74th Avenue near Hillside Street, police officials said.
In all, two SWAT officers and one traffic officer died in the two incidents; one traffic officer was on life support late Saturday.
"In these moments, words are extraordinarily inadequate," Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums told reporters at a news conference Saturday night at Oakland police headquarters. "We come together in shock, in grief, in sadness and sorrow. Our hearts go out to the officers' families who are experiencing a level of tragedy that goes beyond our ability to comprehend."
"These folks leave their homes in the morning, with every expectation of returning," Dellums said, "but they did not."
Killed Saturday were motorcycle officer Sgt. Mark Dunakin, 40, and Sgts. Ervin Romans, 43, and Daniel Sakai, 35, both members of the SWAT team. The other motorcycle officer, John Hege, 41, was in grave condition, officials said.
The suspect, whom police identified as Lovelle Mixon, 26, of Oakland, shot at the SWAT officers, who "returned fire in defense of their lives," said Officer Jeff Thomason, a department spokesman. The suspect, who police believe was acting alone, was killed. Officials said the suspect was on parole after being convicted of assault with a deadly weapon and was also wanted on a no-bail warrant. Officials did not explain the nature of the warrant.

This tragedy could of be prevented if the judges would of kept this guy locked up, but no they probably made some excuse for him and now we have lost 4 heroes.

Man that makes my blood boil.


  1. I'd say that was much more than a moan...and I am in total agreement with you. There is an expectation that Officers do their job...but no support follow-up to keep this scum off the streets.

    It's not our justice system...rather our injustice system.

  2. That makes me upset too.

    My moan is just about having to fight to keep concentration. F-O-C-U-S!

  3. UGH! I'm boiling away myself, big bro. That's so completely RIDIC!


    My Monday moan is when you lose your weekend. For one reason or another when your entire weekend it chock-full by something other than your planning or choosing. It stinks, man! I'm not upset that it happened, just bummed I don't get a two day break, now! ha ha


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