
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 it the Biggest LIAR... *EDITED*

April writing...

So this is Dane Patterson...some of you may know him as a contestant on The Biggest Loser that lost 100 pounds during his time on the Ranch...and with that you may also know that he was recently voted OFF the show...and even more you may know that shortly after his return home he ran a full marathon with his itty-bitty wifey with a time of 3 hours and 53 minutes.


It seems our boy Dane here didn't actually finish the race. In fact according to a fellow Marathon Runner, Melancholy Smile (who actually finished the race) he rode in a van to the end of the race in order to complete the race qualified as a "Finisher." Nice one NBC, and to think that most of us thought TBL was one of the good guys of Reality TV. Sike.

Another blogger writes, "The truth is his "finishing" time was 5 hours 53 minutes and in order to complete the race in the maximum allowed time of 6 hours, he got a ride for 3 miles [17 to 20] so that he could be an official finisher. As a two-time marathoner, I feel sad that Dane didn't have the self-worth to just walk out the remaining miles and be satisfied with completing an incredibly difficult distance. As for NBC, this is not the kind of press the 4th place network needs. They blame an over zealous field producer for the misrepresentation but I think the blame should be spread around equally and this may signal a dramatic shift in viewing habits for those who seek inspiration in the Biggest Losers, which is very sad."

*sigh* Way to stay classy there Dane. I mean, take a didn't have to get kicked off and go home and finish a full one else does DID just lose 100 pounds...that's saying SOMETHING!

This came from a later "For the Record" post over at Meloncholy Smile...the blog that inadvertantly outted TBL contestant Dane Patterson for not finishing the Marathon.

"The Biggest Loser aired last night, and I have been flooded with emails {do to this post} about the Marathon I ran in January. Consequently, I think it's time for some clarification. I do not like how nasty things are getting, especially on some of the boards where they are quoting my blog.

First, the last time I saw Dane and his wife running was mile 17. {My husband then saw them at a water station, filming several takes. He felt bad for them-- a marathon is hard enough without accommodating a film crew}.

The next thing I knew, they were at the finish line before me without having run past. I mistakenly assumed that they were driven the remainder of the 10 or so miles, but Carli herself cleared that up when she said, "In this industry you are always on a time frame and sometimes it is out of your control. We had stopped along the way to film at a water station and to make up for lost time our producers drove us ONLY 3 miles up the road. I am sorry if this has offended you in any way, but we are still incredibly happy about the 23 miles we ran. We were not listed as completing the Marathon. Dane is an honest LDS Dad and I hope that they do say he completed this Marathon because had time allowed he would have!"

Second, apparently everyone is up in arms because Dane's finish time was reported by NBC as being 3:53 instead of 5:53. I believe this is just a typo on some poor editor's part. Mistakes happen, people. No need to attack a man and his family who have plenty to be proud of.
Bottom line: Dane and Carli Patterson are real people accomplishing wonderful things, and I believe them to be honest.

Please take care with your comments, as I don't think there was ever any intentional deception going on. They deserve our warm support and congratulations. Thank you. "

...that's a little better. Although NBC DID sell it as him FINISHING the marathon.


  1. So glad you found me because I adore your blog, you have a new reader for sure!!

    Thanks for the wonderful advice you left on my blog, I love that illustration!

  2. Well, to kinda clear some more things up after they filmed him running in, he did go back and finish hose 3 miles that they drove him. so techniccally he did run the whole thing. For someone who can't even run 2 miles, I can do nothing but applaud him. Who gives a care if he was given a ride to get the shot. I love the show and what they stand for too much to let something like this get in the way. At least he finished it.


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Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)