
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing....

My simple pleasure for this Thursday is seeing the face of two people that are parked in a secluded or not so secluded area having sexual relations when the police pull up. This is one of those moments where individuals make priceless facial expressions.

What is your simple pleasure this Thursday.


  1. Watching this was my simple pleasure:

    (Wildwose is my Renaissance Festival neighbor.)

  2. too funny babe. My simple pleasure is toast with peanut butter and honey :) yumm.

  3. HAHAHAHA! Awkward!

  4. Ha ha - I giggled a little when I read "sexual relations". It made me picture you as a school guidance counselor

    ....or Bill Clinton. ha ha

    I'm just sayin...

    My simple pleasure is when I can actually manage to get a group of 13 or 14 high school girls to 1) pay attention and 2)ACTUALLY participate and get something out of what I say in small group.

    *sigh. It was a success.

  5. My simple pleasure are Buy one get one free deals. I love looking at area sales papers for groceries to see what I can get for free or half off. LOVE IT!

  6. Ok! To say the least, I've gotta image in my head I'm not quite sure I far as the faces you mentioned Cory. Gives a whole new meaning to the words, "Take a picture it will last longer..." although I am sure you really wouldn't wanna take a picture of that! LOL!!!

    Anyway, my simple pleasure this week would have to be laughter. It has been coming at the right moments lately just when I need it.


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