
Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Moan

Cory Writing....

My Monday Moan today is about my job. I really hate the fact that I don't get to celebrate holidays like everyone else. I have to always check my work schedule and then we plan around that. Yesterday would have been a great day to spend with the families, but I was only able to go to lunch with my parents and April. Then off to the house I went to rest up to go to work, while April went to her parents house. The good thing is I have family that understands and is willing to plan around my schedule.

What is your Monday Moan this weeK?


  1. Hmm... procrastination? Yeah. That's my Monday moan. I did't procrastinate, but... well... I just hate it. 'Nough said!

  2. My MM is our WARM office...after the weekend our office is always SO hot. I guess they leave the heat on...who knows. It's just hot...and I hate it.

  3. I'm so with you, Cory! Shift work really STINKS sometimes!!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)