
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nice Rear...

April writing...

I read this blog titled, "This Young House." I love it. I am totally snatching a recent post and using some of the pictures...they were taken on a recent tour in Richmond, VA's West Avenue Garden Tour. You can walk through all these wonderful backyards.

I am all about having a comfy, nice backyard...and some of these are wonderful. Even though they are small spaces:

This one has an outdoor fireplace...totally awesome. The colors are really fun too!

For being a small space and just adding simple Adirondack's still wonderful!

Look at THIS ONE...the hand-carved archway with curtains....awesome!!

This is certainly nice...they are training ivy to grow in a classy x-pattern. Ahhh love it!

And this koi a tiny alley. What fun. Although this would have to go in the front yard as Olive would more than likely spend her time swimming daily!!! (and possibly eating all the fishies.)

...and THIS ONE...def. a favorite. I want an arbor/trellis/what-have-you in the backyard and the hanging chairs are SUCH a great idea!!! Nice and relaxing!!

What do you think? Fav's? What would you like in your backyard?


  1. i LOVED the one with the archways and curtains! AMAZING!!! The hanging chair one was pretty cool too. I would just like to have a backyard. I have a hanging hammock chair that we bought on our honeymoon that I want to use one day.... some day.

  2. The fishes...since Steve has gotten me in a round about way into his hobby of looks so peaceful.


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