
Thursday, April 16, 2009

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing...

My simple pleasure is easy this week. The sun is my simple pleasure. It feels like it hasn't been out in about a month. Now if we can get it to put some heat out it will be a double simple pleasure week.

What is your simple pleasure?


  1. I am with you!! My simple pleasure is seeing my plants start to sprout makes me feel like an accomplished gardener! :)

  2. A day off is my simple pleasure. I could really use one, right now. With Kyle being on terminal leave, we'd actually get to spend it together. And with all that needs to be done aroudn the house, it wouldn't necessarily be relaxing, but it WOULD Be a nice change of pace!!

  3. my simple pleasure is cruising in the car listening to music with the windows down! while its warm ofcourse. and yea i do love the sun too!

  4. House sitting in a place with a master bedroom that faces east. Makes waking up with the sun so delightful!

  5. my simple pleasure is coming home from work...being home is nice!


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