
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Simple Pleasure Thursday

Cory Writing....

My simple pleasure this week is seeing God reach down and touch a young person. I work with the youth at our Church and our services are on Wednesday. I am seeing God really work in some of our youth and it is great to see them have genuine break through with God.

What is your simple pleasure this week?


  1. Fridays.... how can you not just love a Friday. It means the end of a horrible week and the beginning of a nice weekend.

  2. My simple pleasure...being blessed when you least expect to be at time when you expect the not so good of things.

    Yesterday, when Steve and I went to pick up his truck from the shop after an unexpected drop off to them; we were told that the problem was fixed and there would be no charge for the work or anything. I surely praise God for that blessing.

  3. arizona iced tea. i love it!

  4. My bed! With McStudly's grandparents in town, we'd been sleeping on the futon in our spare bedroom. It wasn't awful, but it was also NOT my bed. I'm SO glad to be back in it, as of last night. I missed it so!!!


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)