
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The *dreaded* Summer Calendar

April writing...

It's coming...the Summer calendar is starting to fill up...let's see what we have going on SO FAR:
  • May 30th - Murder Mystery
  • June 1st - Preggo pics with Manda-Rose
  • June 5th - Eddie's Grad Party
  • June 6th - Bekah's Graduation
  • June 7th - Bekah's Grad Party
  • June 12th - Goldie & Dave Baby Shower
  • June 12th - Rock Your Socks Off
  • June 14th - Youth Leader Meeting
  • June 17th - Church wide P&W Service
  • June 18th - Cory's Birthday
  • June 21st - Father's Day
  • June 28th - Leader's Picnic
  • June 28th - Day One of Seven² - Pizza & Movie
  • June 29th - Day Two of Seven² - Hiking in Catoctin Mts (I will be working though)
  • June 30th - Day Three of Seven² - DC Zoo (I may try go...)
  • July 1st - Day Four of Seven² - Frisbee Golf & Water Sports (I'll be at work)
  • July 2nd - Day Five of Seven² - Beaver Dam (trying to go...)
  • July 3rd into 4th - Day Six of Seven² - Busch Gardens & Lock-In (going....???)
  • July 4th - Fireworks in DC??
then comes the lull...the low point. Where it seems FOR NOW that there is nothing going on.

But I am sure that will change...soon.

What kinds of craziness do you have going on this Summer?


Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)