
Wednesday, May 06, 2009

It keeps getting worse. (updated)

April writing...

It just keeps getting worse for Jon Gosselin. Now, US Weekly is coming out with an apparent leak from Deanna Hummel's (the supposed Mistress) Brother, whom she lives with.

He says things like "He [Jon] is a bad liar. This isn't healthy for her. But she is refusing to help herself, so here I am trying to help her myself. I hope this clears the air." and that when together at her house they "pretty much stay locked away like two teenagers. It was weird. He's a grown man." He also talks about their escapades, and being able to hear them through the "thin walls."

I am beyond sad about this. I know it's tabloid gossip...but either someone is OUT to get him and by someone I mean many, many different media outlets, or something, some part of this is true.

Logically, I would think that if they wanted to tear down that family in the media and make up stories, I would assume they would do that with Kate. She is the more hated of the couple. Not that if this was their plan, neither part of it is necessary or any less cruel.

Who's just really sad.

I know that they still have one more season to air, I believe the show returns on May 25th. I think in the past they have been about 3 months behind in filming. That would put this season (probably the final season) right smack in the middle of all this controversy. I am just not sure how they are going to cover over the tension.

Who knows...maybe they will say that Jon and Kate actually separated or are planning a divorce. At least that would make Jon a little less sketchy. Although...I still feel that it's all craziness.

Go here to read more about this story. And you can go here to watch a video that is apparently of Jon leaving Deanna's house early one morning.

UPDATED: It looks like Jon and Kate have just released a statement. You can read more about here ...but below is the jist of it.

Jon: "It's really upsetting. I may be guilty of choosing the wrong time and place to hang out with my friends, but I am not guilty of cheating on my wife. It hurts me to see what it's done to my family, and it's scary to know that these tabloids are in town constantly following us and even paying locals large amounts of money to contribute to these negative stories. It's even gotten so bad that [one tabloid] has reached out to a youth pastor from our church, which in my eyes is completely unacceptable."

Kate: "It's disturbing and unfortunate that these tabloids have gone as far as they have to try and bring us down. Jon's poor judgment and irresponsible behavior has also without a doubt caused some added tension and stress between the two of us."

So, it still sounds a little like Kate is pretty peeved...I mean what wife wouldn't be. Hmmm...only time will tell!

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