
Monday, May 04, 2009

Project 365 - Week 3

April writing...

Day 15 - April 26th, 2009 Nap Time......right before bedtime they finally calm down. After fighting and growling and running around the house...the pups finally cuddle up and rest.

Day 16 - April 27th, 2009 Dish time...If I cook, Cory does the dishes. That's just how it works in our house. My favorite watching his 'dish-washing face.' His nose is all turned up! :) (or like in this pic, his tongue is sticking out!)

Day 17 - April 28th, 2009 At my feet...Olive loves to cuddle up at your feet, especially when we are at the computer. I think it's dark and warm and safe down there...she's such a sweetie.

Day 18 - April 29th, 2009 Off to work...This is what I see 6 nights out of ever week. My Husby leaving for work. He makes me so proud with what he does for a living.

Day 19 - April 30th, 2009 Sweepy Sneeze...I was sweeping the house and I guess all the dust just got to me...I was sneezing up a storm. So to combat the dust, I shoved tissue up my nose. Cory caught the loveliness on camera for our 365!

Day 20 - May 1st, 2009 Girls at the Beach...the first evening of our Girls Beach Weekend...we had a great group of girlies.

Day 21 - May 2nd, 2009 Beach may have been cold and gloomy but we still managed to make every moment special at the beach together.

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Thanks for dropping by 2Slicks Good Times...we hope you had a GOOD time!! We love comments and hearing from our readers!!

Keep things sweet...we don't like meanies around here! :)