
Friday, May 08, 2009

Thanks Mom!

April writing...

Mom had her eye out for me! Last year she saw this old screen door frame on the side of the road at the end of her house. When I came over, we walked up and asked the owner if we could take it. He of course...said yes. We dragged it back to my parents house only to have it somewhat snubbed by my Dad and Cory. They didn't see the potential that Mom and I did.

I took it home attached it to some posts and stuck it in the ground. Shortly after I planted some Clematis vine to grow up and around it. This year that sweet plant came back with vigor and I absolutely LOVE the whole thing together! It adds such snazz to the side of the house!!

Thanks Mom!!! Good eye!!!

This is the (old-screen-door) trellis. You can't see the original structure very well through the hardy Clematis...but it's there and I love it!!

Here's a close up of the plant...sooo pretty! Everyday there are more and more blooms!!

What's your trash to treasure story?


  1. ooh, they are lovely! Leave it to us girls to see "what could be" in any object!

    I changed around the blog on blogger and that free template website. I just don't know how to do anymore?! How do I change my header or font or make it nearly as snazzy as yours?

  2. April, As I stated on facebook; you put a whole new spin on your treasure that was once another person's trash. Love it!

    My trash to treasure story, I saved a chair from going to the dump. The back was ripped (fabric backing) and had no cushions. I took it home and made new cushions and throw pillows using material I had around the house. I then hot glued the back, back to it's original place.

    Unfortunately almost 2 years later, I had to throw her away because the seat part started to break away from the frame and I couldn't fix it as much as I tried. :o( But for 2 years I had an awesome little chair that I was so proud of.

    I love finding things and giving them new life.

  3. April, it's gorgeous!!! I am sure you are very proud of the hard work that you have put into your garden.


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