
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Project 365 - Week 8

Day 50 - May 31st, 2009 Making friends...Tessie seems to like these crazy pups...they are right on her eye level. Although they kiss her ALOT.

Day 51 - June 1st, 2009 Day One...EA Sports Active 30-Day Challenge. Thanks TT.

Day 52 - June 2nd, 2009 Yard photo op...I found Pickle and Olive romping around the backyard, and aren't they nice...they posed without being asked!

Day 53 - June 3rd, 2009 What mom?...If there are blankets even near the floor they will make themselves comfortable!

Day 54 - June 4t, 2009 Mad at Wifey...Cause I made him get a tetanus shot...poor thing.

Day 55 - June 5th, 2009 Surgery day...I made it out of surgery with flying colors...and blue lips :)

Day 56 - June 6th, 2009 Graduation Day...Bekah finally graduated! Class of 2009! Ten years after me...ouch.

1 comment:

  1. #1 - I'm with Cory... Tetnus shots HURT!!


    #2 - wow... she's graduted. I'm old. Bah humbug.


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